ArbLab FAQ

ArbLab is a forum designed to fill an existing gap in the arboricultural sector:

There is currently no specific forum for arboriculturists to collaborate information.

While forums such as Reddit and Linkedin exist, these are continuous-flow based and are based around a social media aspect - "Points", "likes", "karma" etc.
Although arboriculture discussion does exist on existing forums, it is often an afterthought within an arborist-focused community.

ArbLab seeks to nurture arboricultural collaboration from all levels of expertise - scientists, hobbyists, and complete beginners - to welcome fresh perspectives and increase general understanding of the sector.

To summarise ArbLab's goal in one sentence: We aim to advance the current scientific understanding of arboriculture by fostering an online community of all levels of expertise which can collaborate in an easily-organised, easily searchable and accessible forum.


What is ArbLab?

ArbLab is a university project to create something arboriculture-related within the industry - this forum seeks to kickstart an established online "gathering" area for arboriculturists of all skill levels around the globe to collaborate, share insights and experiences, and improve our collective knowledge base regarding arboriculture. From scientific journal discussions to a dog walker sharing a tree they found peculiar, all is welcome as everyone has something to contribute, big or small.

Why should I use ArbLab?

If you have any interest in trees on a scientific level, this forum is for you! You will be able to share and see interesting tree observations, collaborate and share thoughts/opinions with existing or upcoming literature, and help others as well as be helped by others on the world regarding arboriculture.

How is ArbLab funded?

As of now, the hosting and domain rental is funded independently by the project leader. There is no profit incentive and any future donation systems will purely be used to fund the website itself. As the forum hopefully increases in popularity, increased funding and donation requests may be required to facilitate increased traffic and/or file storage.

Can anyone join ArbLab?

Absolutely! Whether you are a certified arborist or just have a keen interest in trees, all are welcome to join and contribute to the community.

Are there any rules or guidelines for posting on ArbLab?

Yes, there are guidelines in place to ensure a positive and professional environment for all users. These guidelines include refraining from posting offensive content, respecting others' opinions and experiences, and avoiding self-promotion without prior approval from moderators.

Is ArbLab only for discussing trees and arboriculture?

While the main focus of ArbLab is arboriculture and the study of trees, discussions can extend to related topics such as urban forestry, landscape management, and environmental sustainability.

How do I become a moderator of ArbLab?

If you are interested in becoming a moderator, please reach out to the project leader with your qualifications and experience in arboriculture or related fields. As the forum grows, more moderation may be needed to ensure a positive atmosphere.

I have a technical question about tree care, can I post it on ArbLab?

Absolutely! One of the main purposes of ArbLab is to provide a platform for arboriculturists to share knowledge and expertise with each other. Whether it's a technical question or an interesting observation, all tree-related content is welcome.

Can I share photos and videos on ArbLab?

Yes! Sharing visual material is encouraged as it can provide valuable insights and help enhance discussions. However, please ensure that any content you share is relevant to the topic at hand and follows guidelines regarding offensive or inappropriate material.

How can I search for specific information on ArbLab?

ArbLab has a search function that allows users to search for specific keywords, topics or members. This can be found in the top right corner of the forum page. Additionally, users can look through existing categories and subcategories to find relevant discussions.

How can I report inappropriate content or behavior on ArbLab?

If you come across anything that violates ArbLab's guidelines or terms of service, please report it to a moderator or the project leader. This can be done by sending a private message or using the report function available on each post.

Is ArbLab affiliated with any particular organization or school?

No, ArbLab is an independent website and is not affiliated with any specific organization or school. However, it was created as a university project and may collaborate with other academic institutions or organizations in the future.

How often are new discussions and topics added to ArbLab?

New topics and discussions are added regularly to ArbLab, and the rate of activity will depend on the level of engagement from users. Members are encouraged to start new discussions and share interesting observations or experiences related to arboriculture.